恒牛所 SFC Markets and Finance 丨More cultural exchange will take place in the GBA
As China’s main gateway to the world, multiple cultures converge in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(GBA). From a historical perspective, Zhongyuan culture and Lingnan culture contain both conflicting and confluent elements; from a global perspective, the Hong Kong and Macao cultures integrates with Western culture.
For such a diverse region, how to promote cultural integration and strive to build a cultural system?
The President of the Macao Federation of Cultural Circles Wu Zhiliang:
Firstly, I believe we must revisit our shared cultural traditions. Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, we all originate from Lingnan culture. We also need to revisit our common experiences from over 40 years of reform and opening up. During these four decades, we have developed the Greater Bay Area into a region with the highest level of openness and development quality in China, thanks to the joint efforts of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao. Meanwhile, we should promote exchanges among residents, especially the youth, strengthen our emotional bond and solidify our ideological foundation. Secondly, I think both the central and local governments need to implement strong policy measures.Through specific projects and the most appropriate methods, we should promote a common vision, will, determination, and action among the governments and people in the GBA across different levels and fields.
Thirdly, it's crucial to leverage the unique positions of Hong Kong and Macao and the advantages of the "One Country, Two Systems" policy, fully utilize Hong Kong and Macao's networks and experience in international cultural exchanges. We must respect the cultural differences and diversity that arise from different historical developments in the three regions. These differences and diversity should be our starting point to enrich our traditional culture and promote international cultural exchange and mutual learning. As long as we can form shared values and a common sense of belonging, I believe the Greater Bay Area can play a pioneering role in China's development in the new era.
Chairman of Hong Kong Arts Development Council Huo Qigang:
After hardware facilities are connected, there is a greater need for communication and interaction in software and culture.Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao have a profound historical and cultural foundation.We should seize opportunities and leverage advantages, to consolidate the cultural connotation of the Greater Bay Area, and promote in-depth communication and cooperation. The history, culture, and humanistic spirit of the Greater Bay Area can be passed down from generation to generation.
Next year, Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao will host the 15th National Games.As far as I know, the three regions have established a normalized liaison mechanism. Regular liaison meetings are held to discuss the arrangements for the National Games.This high-level communication mechanism should not be abolished after the event, but should be further applied.In addition to the discussion on the hosting of the National Game, it can also be used to explore the development of inter-city venue rental mechanisms, measures on facilitating the flow of funds, measures on mutual recognition of talents and qualifications.The same goes for culture and art. In the major cities of the Greater Bay Area, we can builda unified approval mechanism, a communication mechanism, and an information platform related tocultural venues, groups, resources, activities, and needs.In this way, we can leverage the advantages of the large population of 86 million and multiple international sports and performance venues of the Greater Bay Area. We can work together to create competitive brands and performance programswith international influence. From the perspective of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, we aim to share China stories by good communications.
As China continued to high-level opening up, more and more foreign companies are investing here. What advantages does the GBA have? What chances will the GBA bring to the foreign cultural enterprises?
The President of the Macao Federation of Cultural Circles Wu Zhiliang:
As I've mentioned, Lingnan culture is a pioneer of cultural exchange in China. In terms of cultural creativity, we should fully utilize our well-preserved traditional Chinese cultural genes. At the same time, we need to innovate and integrate different cultures. The biggest advantage of the Hong Kong and Macao regions is the support from China’s mainland and their connection to the world.
For Guangdong, this is an unparalleled geographical advantage. Therefore, the three regions must fully leverage their respective strengths to form a collective force, particularly by using Hong Kong and Macao to bring new inspiration to our cultural creativity and explore new markets. This is a direction worth considering.
Culture beyond borders. Despite various language and background, more and more cultural exchange will take place in the GBA.
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